Draw Winter Landscape with Pen

In this tutorial, I will show how to draw a winter landscape with pen and ink. After understanding different steps, you will be able to draw one such winter landscape with pen from imagination anytime and never be at loss for what to draw. Let’s get started.

Step 1: Draw Edge of Foreground Snow

In this composition, the foreground is snow covered. Draw the edge of snow in a bit flattened shape like shown below.

Step 2: Indicate Snow in Foreground

Use the technique discussed in drawing snow peaks to indicate snow in the foreground.

Step 3: Indicate Elements Behind the Snow Edge

In this winter landscape, pine trees are drawn partially hidden behind the foreground snow. This brings out a nice feel of winter. Here pine trees are drawn using scribble stroke. Taper their shape as shown below.

winter landscape with pen

Step 4: Finish

You can add Sky using dots and ticks and finish the drawing, or for more visual interest, indicate far out horizon with other background elements as well. Below, I drew snow covered mountains in the background to make the drawing more visually appealing.

winter landscape with pen

By changing the shape of foreground snow and by using different elements behind the foreground snow, quick pleasing winter landscapes with pen can be easily drawn from imagination. In the following drawing, I drew bigger pine trees in front with distant pine trees to give a different feel.

winter landscape with pen

You can use bare winter trees or a combination of bare trees and pine trees to further bring feel of winter as in the following pen and ink winter landscape.

winter landscape with pen

If you are not comfortable drawing trees, you can even use other elements like a wooden post or a wooden fence (as done below) with the composition theme.

There really is no limit to such fun quick winter landscapes you can draw using this composition. Hopefully it got your imagination going. To further learn drawing pen and ink landscapes, I invite you to try my workbooks or consult free tutorials.

Do let me know if you enjoy and benefit from these posts as it motivates me to write them. Also feel free to share this in your social media and with others to spread the word around of this wonderful art.

Happy Drawing,


March 4 2019

Older Step by Step Pen and Ink Drawings

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